Now is the time to challenge the climate change hoax
By Jay Brodell
Aug. 10, 2022
Isn’t it about time to recognize that the climate change hysteria really is a hoax?
If any more evidence was needed, anyone can look at the more than $350 billion supposedly to control the climate that is part of the $740 billion so-called inflation reduction bill passed by the U.S. Senate and now headed for likely passage in the U.S. House.
With this kind of money at play there is no wonder that many individuals eagerly accept the climate narrative. Those who will be paying for this bill instead of being enriched should simply open their eyes. They should look around.
They say fool me once, your fault. Fool me twice, my fault. But that is what is happening. The new bill is a super version of the one passed during the tenure of Barack Obama to control the climate, create jobs and save humanity. That was a big flop, and this new initiative will be, too, except for those on the receiving end of the federal money.
The climate change hysteria can be compared to similar social phenomena throughout the centuries. Consider the Children’s Crusade, the Inquisition, the Dutch tulip mania, chupacabras, killer bees, various financial bubbles, Mayan new year, Y2K, Russiagate, covid lockdowns/masks and, dare it be said, a lot of religions. The entire fabric of humanity is permeated by myths, false beliefs and straight out hoaxes.
The climate narrative claims that carbon dioxide controls temperatures. So if worldwide the concentration of carbon dioxide, now about 430 parts per million, is reduced bad weather events will be avoided. This claim runs counter to common sense. After all, the dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor. Also, there always have been damaging weather events. History is full of them. Wild fires, floods, hurricanes, dust storms and heat or cold waves always have happened. The climate history shows continual oscillation between warm and cold periods. And that is not even counting the many ice ages that also seem to be on a schedule.
There also is little proof that higher temperatures will cause serious problems. After all, temperature is not uniform even now in the world. There also is little evidence that temperatures will continue to rise. The best prediction now is a trivial +0.13 C increase per decade, although that might reverse at any time.
So who are the winners and losers in climate change?
For starters, meteorologists who say the right thing now enjoy rock star status. Some have been elevated to prophets from their obscure profession of trying to guess tomorrow’s weather. Many have become enriched by grants and programs designed to save the planet.
Politicians have stoked fears to promote policies the public ordinarily would reject. Among these are carbon taxes, massive financial outlays, increases in centralized power and damage to those inclined to vote for their opponents. Pay no attention to their personal investments in the stock market. The economy of entire countries have been distorted by the carbon dioxide narrative.
Academics have fallen into line because they cannot publish their works and win promotion unless they do. Newer academics would never win tenure if they announced the emperor has no clothes. Established academics win power and prestige by attracting major government grants. Some of their work appears to be suspect and biased.
News reporters, editors and television presenters have found that scary headlines, even if inaccurate, can enhance careers, cultivate readers and signal their virtue. In addition, they need not apologize when their claims are shown to be false.
Some in the public can feed individual narcissism by playing along with the hoax, cutting down on plastic straws, recycling their aluminum cans and berating their neighbors for buying a hulking SUV and eating meat. And maybe even by writing shallow and scary opinion articles.
The losers, naturally, are the taxpayers and public who foot the bill and suffer through restrictive policies from overbearing bureaucrats.
Of course there is a serious question if the climate hoax is just a money game.
There are indications that China has promoted the climate hoax among western democracies, all the while making great strides in building its carbon dioxide-producing industrial base. Guess which country makes the bulk of all the solar energy gears: windmills, solar collectors and electronics.
Those who favor socialism, authoritarianism or world government quickly latched on to the hoax to further their ambitions of centralized power. Allied with these are those rabidly opposed to capitalism and who denigrate modern life.
Clearly, hoaxes must run their course. The climate hoax will lose steam when members of the public open their windows and take good looks outside. The world has not changed very much since the early 1980s. There still are seasons when the heat is oppressive and the cold can kill. The predictions of Al Gore have proved false, despite thousands of school children being force-fed his claims. New York is not under water. The sea continues to rise in small increments as it has for centuries. Polar bear populations have boomed. The Arctic still is icy, although less so in summer, as usual. Glaciers continue to do what they are supposed to do, which is flow to the sea to relieve the ice pressure above.
Meanwhile, purveyors of the climate hoax, the Obamas, Al Gore, television pundits and others continue to fly in private jets, purchase property near the oceans and denigrate those with less financially attractive views as deniers. Even Christiana Figueres, the Costa Rican who was executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, now has a home a stone’s throw from the Pacific.
Those who doubt climate pandering is a hoax or scam should ask why reputable climate experts have been silenced, forced from their positions and denied space in academic journals. And how come there have not been serious, public debates on the climate scam or hoax. Science certainly is not settled except in the minds of those on the take.